Blessed are the Wicked

I often wonder why your treasured guard betrayed
None a sterner lesson these few days have conveyed
The beauty of what isn’t can only be what is
and yet that which is has never quite so been

Window Grey

The Window Grey

It’s not a cloudy day nor a rainy one in May But the window’s grey. It’s not a prison hole or a the reflection off a pole but still the window’s grey. I doubt its dirt or dust nor is it painted that way Yet still the window’s grey. I don’t have sunglasses on and…


Expressions of life

Expressions of life Impressions of death A baby is born A father is lost A flower in bloom Its leaves turn to dust New shoots in spring Old seeds no more Lions feast happily The gazelle left to mourn A couple holds hands The Ex crosses his A maid in despair A hero waiting there…

Still want Mo!

I want Mo’

Soft, sweet, smooth… that’s her personality, strong, sting, strike, you’ve got to know her personally. Just like that she’s a bee, in more ways than one, Her waist so so tiny you’d think there was none! With a smile like daisies yellow and white, and hugs like a new born so gentle yet tight. Never…

rain rain go away

Rumblings in the Rain

Tip tip tatter… jump jump splatter! shoes wet, toes dry, looked up, damn! A terrible idea that’s water in my eye – oh dear! I looked down, no solace Water! Water! Water! and now mud on my shoelace! When will this end!?   But it has just began, And now I’m stuck, nowhere to run, out of luck… I…

The river within

  There is a river far not from here that twists yet turns, its waters unclear. Holding dark, holding bright; both heavy and light. Trudging on and on bringing new life. At this the place we keep every embrace, A smile, a frown, a night out on the town. But in the end when all…